Band Fees

Why Do We Have Fees For Band?
The band receives minimal financial support from the school district to underwrite the program, and the operating costs are very expensive.  We are essentially self-funded; therefore, fees must be assessed so that all of the band’s financial obligations can be met.

How Are Fees Determined?
The band budget is fairly distributed among all band students.  Student band fees are calculated by dividing the overall band budget by the number of expected students in each program.  Students in co-curricular activities (marching band, winter guard and winter percussion) pay more in-band fees than students who do not participate in those groups because of the additional expenses associated with co-curricular activities.

Band classes and their corresponding performing ensembles have expenses that average $25,000 or more per year.  These include sheet music, guest instructors, workshops, travel to and registration in annual Music Performance Assessments (MPAs), instrument repairs and replacement, and other expenses that are not paid for by the school district. To help cover these costs, band students are expected to participate in fundraisers to pay for their band fees.

Co-curricular activities have additional expenses that include transportation, competition fees, uniform costs, equipment, instructors, music, and more.  Students participating in these activities pay fees we call “Fair Share” to cover costs for the programs.  See the Marching Band, Winter Guard, and Winter Percussion pages for more information.  Individual Fair Share amounts are calculated annually, depending on the show design, staff, and a number of students who participate in these programs.

Fundraising Is Strongly Encouraged
Band fees are an obligation that must be met by all band students; however, parents are not expected to pay their student’s band fees out of pocket.  Rather, students are encouraged to participate in the many fundraisers offered throughout the year to meet their financial obligation.  Band fundraisers all have varying profit percentages that go toward the student’s fundraising account.

Fundraisers are discussed in band classes and announced via email.  It is your student’s responsibility to pick up and bring home fundraising catalogs, paperwork, etc.  Our most profitable fundraisers are offered in the fall to help with marching band fees.

We don’t set minimums for individual fundraisers (for instance, “each student must sell 12 cheesecakes to meet their quota”), but we will let you decide how much you’ll sell for each fundraiser.  Some fundraisers work better than others for families.  Some students are “natural born salesmen” and have neighborhood resources that lend themselves to selling.  Other students don’t and would rather pay outright than to go door-to-door selling products.

Volunteer To Reduce Band Fees
Parents and guardians can earn money toward their student’s Fair Share fee.  More details coming soon.

For more information about this program, see our Volunteer Opportunities page.

If you have any questions about band fees or your fundraising account balance, contact Band Parent Organization Student Accounts Treasurer Rosalie Jablonski at